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Excerpts From the Roman Missal (Book of the Chair)

Excerpts From the Roman Missal (Book of the Chair)

Excerpts from the Roman Missal (formerly referred to as the “Book of the Chair”) has been long awaited. For priests, it serves as an alternative to the Roman Missal at the Presider’s Chair. It is light, smaller in thickness than the Order of Christian Funerals and the same dimensions as other ritual books published by CCCB Publications.  

The print contrast has been improved from the Roman Missal and the font is substantially larger than the Chapel edition. Another great addition to this publication is the inclusion of options for the third form of the Penitential Act.

Contents include: 
           ·  Proper of Time 
                o  Sundays of all Liturgical Seasons & Solemnities of the Lord
                o  Texts for Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord and the
                     Paschal Triduum
                        §  Palm Sunday
                                ·  Commemoration of the Lord’s Entrance into                                    Jerusalem, Collect and Prayer after Communion
                        §  Thursday of the Lord’s Supper
                                ·  Collect and Prayer after Communion
                        §  Friday of the Passion of the Lord
                                ·  Prayer, The Solemn Intercessions, Prayer after                                    Communion and Dismissal
                        §  Easter Vigil in the Holy Night
                                ·  Blessing of the Fire, Exultet, Introduction and                                    Prayers after the Readings, Blessing of Water,                                    Renewal of Baptismal Promises, Prayer after                                    Communion and Solemn Blessing
          ·  The Order of Mass
                o  The Introductory Rites
                o  Niceno-Constantinopolitan & Apostles’ Creeds
                o  The Concluding Rites
                o  Blessings at the End of Mass
                o  Other:
                        §  Sample Invocations for the Penitential Act
                        §  Examples for the Universal Prayer
                        §  Rite for the Blessing and Sprinkling of Water

        ·  Proper of Saints (Solemnities, Feasts and Special Days in Canada)

        ·  Ritual Masses for:
                o  The Scrutinies
                o  Sacrament of Baptism
                o  Sacrament of Confirmation 
                o  Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
                o  Sacrament of Matrimony
                o  Funeral Masses

358 pages, 21.5 x 28 cm, hardcover, three ribbons, three tabs

Regular price $70.95
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